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Our experience of percutaneous vertebroplasty - one of the most up-to-date methods of vertebral tumors treatment - is presented in the article.

The purpose of the work was to assess vertebroplasty as a method, improving quality of life. In the years 2001-2007 235 vertebroplasty procedures (168 patients) were done in Blokhin's Cancer Research Center. The most common diagnoses were metastases of renal carcinoma, breast carcinoma or multiple myeloma. The main indications for vertebroplasty procedure were chronic pain due to vertebral tumor progression and the loss of vertebral supporting function. Quality of life is shown to improve in the majority of the operated patients.

Relative simplicity of the percutaneous vertebroplasty and high effectiveness of the method allow us to recommend its widespread adoption in clinical practice. 





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We present case reports of patients with multiple metastatic lesions and multiple myeloma in vertebral column with pathological fractures of vertebral bodies and intense pain. Authors recommend to perform multilevel vertebroplasty because this approach allows to reduce pain severity, and to prevent pathological vertebral fracture and provides early rehabilitation of patient. 



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