Abstract: By authors it is resulted results of application of system for Angojet rheolytic trombectomy in treatment of acute thromboses of the main veins and pulmonary embolism. On the basis of the data received with use rheolytic trombectomy in system vena cava superior and vena cava inferior and pulmonaty artery thrombosis? Authors conclude, that system Jet-9000 is a modern and highly effective method of treatment of venous tromboses of varios localisation and their complications. Authors specify? That tactic of the use of this method can provide as its isolated, and conjaction application with trombolytic therapy, ballon angyoplasty, stenting and others endovascular techniques. Besides rheolytic trombectomy is an alternative at existence contraindications for standard methods of treatment acute venouse thromboses. At the same time, authors emphasize, that in some cases rheolytic thrombectomy can be main method of treatment of patients with venous patology, before considered incurable (a thrombosis vena cava inferior after cavafilter-implantation, massive pulmonary artery thrombosis). Reference
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