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Volume 16 № 3. 2022

Article title Pages
Computed angiography in the evaluation of carotid arteries and ischemic brain injury in condition of carotid tortuosity 6-14
First results of a multicenter open observational study of the use of the Yukon Chrome PC stent in treatment of patients with various forms of coronary heart disease 17-24
The russian registry of the use of intravascular methods of imaging and physiology: the first-year results 27-39
In-hospital results of delayed endovascular treatment in patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction caused by massive thrombotic load and ectasy of infarct-related coronary artery 40-49
Comprehensive assessment of the impact of angiographic projection on radiation doses during diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in patients with cerebrovascular diseases 50-59
Effect of endovascular embolization timing and risk factors on the outcome of subarachnoid hemorrhage 60-68
Radiomics and radiogenomics in the diagnosis, clinical prognosis and treatment response assessment in oncological diseases (Literature review) 70-78
Possibilities of dron and various radial accesses in staged revascularization of multivessel coronary disease in female patient with dextrocardia, severe comorbidity and single vascular access (Case report) 79-89
Endovascular treatment of inferior epigastric artery spontaneous injury in COVID-19: a series of two cases (Сase report) 90-97
Coronary chronic total occlusion recanalization with positive clinical and social effects (Case report) 98-104 (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы