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Introduction: treatment of gastric cancer (GC) remains an urgent problem in oncology. One of the unsolved problems in treatment of gastric cancer remains the treatment of patients with liver metastases. With the development of interventional radiology, it became possible to treat gastric cancer patients with liver metastases.

Aim: was to improve results of treatment of gastric cancer patients with liver metastases by using of trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE).

Material and methods: we analyzed results of 60 patients for the period 2008-2020, who suffered for metastatic liver disease, previously they received combined treatment for stomach cancer at various times. The average age of patients was 58,1 ± 5,8 years. When planning TACE, all patients had a general condition above 80% according to Karnovsky, according to ECOG 1-2. All TACE patients with liver metastatic foci were treated with Lipiodol 6-8ml + Doxorubicin 25mg/m2. The interval between TACE cycles was 1,5-2 months. Each patient received 5-6 TACE courses.

Results: immediate results showed the effectiveness of treatment after 2 courses of TACE in 49 (81,7%) patients: partial regression was noted in 36 (60%) patients, and significant regression of the process was noted in 13 (21,6%) patients, stabilization of the process was noted in 11(18,3%) patients. With dynamic follow-up 37 (61,7%) patients lived 6 months, 24 (40%) patients lived 12 months, 11 (18,3%) patients lived 18 months, 8 (13,3%) patients lived 24 months, only 3 (5,0%) patients lived 36 months. The median survival rate was 15,5 ± 1,2 months.

Conclusions: immediate and long-term results of the study, carrying out TACE in patients with metastases of gastric cancer to the liver was effective in 50% of patients. Currently, to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients with metastases of gastric cancer, the technique of trans-arterial chemoembolization can be considered as an effective, low-toxic method of treatment and it can be the method of choice.



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