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This case describes successful combined treatment of patient with large hepatocellular carcinoma BCLC «B», occupying the entire right lobe of the liver, extending to the fourth segment and occupying the right lateral flank till small pelvis. As the first stage, selective tumor chemoembolization, mechanical chemoembolization of right portal vein branches with the aim of vicarious hypertrophy of remaining liver segments were performed. One and half months after performed procedure, the volume of remnant parenchyma was 31% of the total volume. According to the test with indocyanine green, the plasma elimination rate (ICG-PDR) was 12,2%/min, and the residual concentration at 15 minutes was 16%. Subsequently, was performed surgical intervention: Starzl laparotomy, revision of abdominal organs, cholecystectomy, right-sided hemihepatectomy + SI, drainage of the common bile duct according to Vishnevsky, lymphadenectomy of the hepatoduodenal ligament, drainage of abdominal cavity. Postoperative period was complicated by formation of an external biliary fistula and hepatic failure, regarded as class «B» according to criteria of the International Research Group for Liver Surgery (ISGLS), which required medical correction of patient's condition without use of extracorporeal detoxification methods. Later, patient was diagnosed with foci of recurrence of disease in the remaining parenchyma of the liver, for which endovascular treatment was carried out. Currently, patient is alive (6 years after surgery) and is receiving systemic treatment for the extrahepatic spread of the underlying disease.



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Introduction: the review is devoted to clinical results of the use of radiological and endovascular interventionsin intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: chemoinfusion, chemo- and radioembolization of the hepatic artery, preoperative embolization of right branch of portal vein.

Aim: was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of methods of intravascular therapy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

Materials and methods: article presents an analysis of 50 scientific literature sources in leading domestic and foreign scientific journals.

Results: it was found that intra-arterial treatment methods have approximately the same clinical efficacy. Chemoinfusion is a technically simple and effective method of treatment, prospects of which are associated with the creation of new chemotherapy drugs and therapeutic regimens. Chemoembolization is most effective for hypervascular cholangiocarcinoma. The question of its use in a neoadjuvant mode requires study, even in resectable cases, it helps to reduce the biological activity of the tumor. Radioembolization (RE) effectively slows down the growth of cholangiocarcinoma and is well tolerated by patients, but long-term results are little bit worse to those of infusion and embolization. The procedure seems to be technically difficult and requires expensive logistics. When solving these problems, ER can become one of the most important methods of treating cholangiocarcinoma, especially when the tumor is resistant to other methods of therapy.

Preoperative portal vein embolization is routinely used in clinical practice. However, operations performed after this procedure account for only 3-6% of all liver resections. The wider application of this technically simple and safe technique seems logical.

Conclusions: in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma, a combined approach should be used with the use of surgical, X-ray endovascular and other methods of anticancer therapy: this makes it possible to expand possibilities of treating patients and achieve improved long-term results.



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Introduction: treatment of gastric cancer (GC) remains an urgent problem in oncology. One of the unsolved problems in treatment of gastric cancer remains the treatment of patients with liver metastases. With the development of interventional radiology, it became possible to treat gastric cancer patients with liver metastases.

Aim: was to improve results of treatment of gastric cancer patients with liver metastases by using of trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE).

Material and methods: we analyzed results of 60 patients for the period 2008-2020, who suffered for metastatic liver disease, previously they received combined treatment for stomach cancer at various times. The average age of patients was 58,1 ± 5,8 years. When planning TACE, all patients had a general condition above 80% according to Karnovsky, according to ECOG 1-2. All TACE patients with liver metastatic foci were treated with Lipiodol 6-8ml + Doxorubicin 25mg/m2. The interval between TACE cycles was 1,5-2 months. Each patient received 5-6 TACE courses.

Results: immediate results showed the effectiveness of treatment after 2 courses of TACE in 49 (81,7%) patients: partial regression was noted in 36 (60%) patients, and significant regression of the process was noted in 13 (21,6%) patients, stabilization of the process was noted in 11(18,3%) patients. With dynamic follow-up 37 (61,7%) patients lived 6 months, 24 (40%) patients lived 12 months, 11 (18,3%) patients lived 18 months, 8 (13,3%) patients lived 24 months, only 3 (5,0%) patients lived 36 months. The median survival rate was 15,5 ± 1,2 months.

Conclusions: immediate and long-term results of the study, carrying out TACE in patients with metastases of gastric cancer to the liver was effective in 50% of patients. Currently, to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients with metastases of gastric cancer, the technique of trans-arterial chemoembolization can be considered as an effective, low-toxic method of treatment and it can be the method of choice.



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Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the most common oncological disease in the world. There are lots of methods to treat it. Often we use radiation therapy (RT), chemotherapy (CT), surgical treatment. However, when on one hand we have successes, on the other hand we have a number of unsolved problems. To solve them, we study the method of chemoembolization of uterine arteries (CUA). This treatment option is being studied as one of promising methods in the complex or combined radiation treatment of primary and recurrent cervical cancer. This allows, with minimal trauma and relapse rate, to stop bleeding and reduce the size of the tumor. In this article a number of literature sources about using embolization or chemoembolization and results of treatment with CUA has been analyzed.



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Aim: was to estimate efficacy of methods of permanent or temporary blocking of blood flow through the gastroduodenal artery (GDA) during arterial chemoinfusion/chemoembolization of hepatic and pancreatic malignancies.

Materials and methods: for the period of 5 years (2015-2019), GDA embolization with coils was performed in 90 patients. Of them, 39 patients with liver tumors underwent occlusion of proximal GDA. GDA embolization distally to pancreatic branches (commonly on the level of gastroepiploic artery) was done in 51 patients with pancreatic head adenocarcinoma. Alternatively, in 12 patients with liver and 23 patients with pancreatic cancer, hand compression of GDA was used.

Results: technical success was 98% (88/90 patients). During embolization, coil migration into the hepatic artery developed in two patients with liver tumors: in one case stenting of the common hepatic artery was performed, the other case was asymptomatic and the presence of coil did not complicate the following arterial therapy. There were no other complications. Patients received multiple repeated courses of arterial chemotherapy.

Conclusion: methods of blocking of GDA blood flow are relatively safe, effective, simple and inexpensive. Both, embolization and hand compression, help to prevent non-target chemoinfusion and embolization.



1.     Generalov Ml, Balakhnin PV, Tsurkan VA, et al. Percutaneously implanted «port-catheter» systems for long-lasting regional chemotherapy in patients with metastatic liver disease. Diagnosticheskaja i Intervenzionnaya Radiologiya. 2007; 1(4): 51-59 [In Russ].

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22.   Karimov Shi, Borovskiy SP, Khakimov MSh, Adylkhodzhaev AA. Regional chemotherapy in the treatment of unresectable pancreatic tumors. Annaly Khirurgicheskoy Gepatologii. 2010; 15(3): 105-109 [In Russ].

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Aim: was to analyze the first experiment and estimate the tolerability of intra-arterial use of the Abraxane in oil chemoembolization in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Material and methods: for the period January 2018 - August 2018 г on the basis of the FSCU RIS RHT named after academician A.M. Granov, 19 patients with histologically verified ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas received treatment: intra-arterial oil chemoembolization with the use of the Abraxane.

Results: in 14 (73.6%) patients appeared mild pain syndrome that was not accompanied by marked laboratory changes, against the background of standard conservative prophylaxy. In 5 (26.4%) cases, patients had clinical and laboratory signs of postembolization syndrome, which was regarded as adverse events of grade 3 antitumor therapy, manifested by clinical and laboratory signs of mild acute pancreatitis, treated in all cases conservatively

The treatment of the postembolization syndrome lasted up to 7 days, until complete laboratory markers normalization, consisting in reducing the activity of blood amylase and urinary diastase to normal values. In all cases, postembolization syndrome was stopped conservatively In described 5 (26.4%) patients, adverse events of intra-arterial oil chemoembolization were regarded as mild postembolization pancreatitis. After treatment, a decrease in the tumor marker CA 19-9 was observed in 9 (90%) patients.

At the next stage, all patients with localized forms of the tumor underwent surgical treatment in the volume of pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenal resection (n = 13) from 7 to 15 days after intra- arterial oil chemoembolization.

Conclusion: the procedure of oil chemoembolization with Abraxane can be considered as safe if dosages of the oil radiopaque drug Lipiodol are adeqate. There was a tendency to a decrease in the level of the tumor marker CA 19-9 in the blood of patients after the procedure. 



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Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most aggressive malignant neoplasms, results of treatment of which remain extremely unsatisfactory, in view of the low (20%) possibility of tumor resectability A relatively new method of treatment of pancreatic cancer, which showed in practice an increase in tumor resectability in patients with borderline resectable forms of the disease and an increase ir survival mediana of inoperable patients is transartorial chemoembolization (TACE).of pancreatic arteries.

Authors first used transradial vascular access for TACE of a malignant pancreatic tumor.

As the first stage of the intervention - performed redistribution embolization of the right gastroomental artery distally to branches feeding the tumor, with two pushable coils Azur (Terumo) sized 4x60 mm and 5x60 mm in order to prevent embolization of non-target vessels and achieve total embolization of the tumor.

The second stage - performed chemoembolization with lipiodol - 5 ml and gemcitabine - 1000 mg, as a result - accumulation of chemotherapy in the head of the pancreas.

The duration of the procedure and the radiation dose in the patient were 52 minutes, respectively and 0.57 mSv and were comparable to those for similar interventions through transfemoral access. At the same time, all the main advantages of access through the radial artery remained, including: a higher level of psychological and functional comfort for the patient, its early activation and a minimal risk of vascular complications. The patient's discharge was made on the 10th day after the intervention. 



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Purpose: South Kazakhstan Regional Cancer Clinic presents the immediate results of hepatic artery chemotherapy infusion and chemoembolization in patients with hepatic tumors. 

Material and methods: hepatic artery chemoembolization and chemotherapy infusion was performed in 70 patients (47 males, 67,1%) with hepatic tumors since 2004-2008. There were all in all 42 cases (60%) of primary hepatic carcinoma, and in 28 patients (40%) the procedure was done for liver metastatic malignancies. Hepatic artery chemotherapy infusion (HACI) was performed in 50 cases, including 32 patients (45,7%) with primary hepatic carcinoma, and 18 patients (25,7%) with metastatic foci. Hepatic artery chemoembolization (HACE) performed in 20 patients, including 10 patients (17,1%) with primary hepatic carcinoma, and 8 cases (11,4%) of metastatic malignancies. 

Results: significant regression of primary cancer foci and uneventful 3 years follow-up were seen in 2 patients (4,76%), partial regression of the lesion - in 6 (14,3%) of cases, tumor stabilization - in 16 (38%), and tumor progression were found in 8 (19%) of patients. 12 months survival with tumor stabilization was 33,3% (14 patients), 18 months survival - 7,14% (3 patients). Post-procedure mortality in terms of 4 to 8 months made up as high as 30,9% (13 patients). HACE procedure resulted with tumor regression in 8 of 10 patients; the effect sustained for 3-5 months already. For the present moment, 2nd and 3d HACE session is scheduled for this group of patients.

Conclusions: HACI is shown to be effective in treatment of primary and to improve the quality of life in 45,2% of cases. Thus, wide use of the method could be recommended in such a complicated category of patients. HACE procedure results are also hopeful, tumor stabilization starting after the first session.



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Aim: a case report of a 5-year experience of regional (arterial chemoembolization) treatment of a patient with isolated liver metastases of skin melanoma.

Materials and Methods: in 1994, the patient performed excision of melanoma in the right scapular region. Patient didn't undergo another treatment. During examination in 2006 metastasis in the liver was revealed. Patient recieved five rounds of chemotherapy Aranoza, Temodal, Kanglite. Metastatic tumer, sized 16,5 х14,5 х18,5 cm, occupied right liver lobe with deformation of it. After gaining this data - patient received 2 courses of liver chemoembolization in 2008.

Results: during the 5 years follow-up - progression of tumor lesion is not noticed.

Conclusion: the optimal transarterial chemoembolization creates possibilities for an efficient delivery of drugs and tumor embolization particles in the affected organ, particularly in the liver. In addition to surgery (with resectable formations) and systemic chemotherapy, above capabilities regional transarterial therapy can provide long term as new palliative treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma.



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Introduction. The RECIST criteria, which are routinely used to assess results of treatment of colorectal liver metastases with the transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), are not based on the identification of the tumor necrosis, and therefore their objectivity is questionable.

Aim: was to develop method of assessment of tumor response, based on tumor necrosis after TACE.

Materials and Methods: own technique of assessment of the tumor responce, based on measurement of computed tomography density of metastatic lesions in native and post-contrast phases, before and after treatment («criteria of N») is offered. Data of 13 patients who have undergone treatment of metastases of a colorectal cancer in a liver by the TACE method with application of microspheres «DC Beads» and irinotekan are analysed. Comparison of results of treatment according to criteria of RECIST and «criteria of N» is carried out.

Results: аccording to RECIST criteria stable disease was achieved in 11(85%) patients, and 2(15%) patients had a partial response. Neither complete response, nor progressive disease was observed. Later, progressive disease occurred in 11 patients. The period from the start of treatment until progression fixation averaged 7-9 months. According to the «N criteria», 4 (31%) patients had a complete response, 6(46%) patients had a partial response: and in 3(23%) patients we detected stable disease. Then progressive disease was monitored in all 13 patients, the period from the start of treatment until the progression fixation averaged 3-6 months. In 4 cases the progression process according to «N criteria» was detected earlier than by RECIST criteria.

Conclusion: The usе of RECIST criteria may underestimate the objective response to treatment, and as a result - the progression of disease later on. The proposed method of tumor response assessment, based on the analysis of tumor necrosis («the N criteria»), proves to be more productive. 




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Inflammatory breast cancer (BC) is a locally-spread unresectable primary diffuse form of tumor, occurring in 1- 6% of patients with breast cancer, and is one of the most malignant forms of cancer with a poor prognosis and a low survival rate.

The article describes the clinical case of successful experience in the application of repeated chemoembolization and one cycle of radical radiation therapy in patient with metastatic breast cancer (inflammatory form), resistant to conduct systemic chemotherapy (possibility to transfer tumor into operable condition).

Patient underwent three cycles of chemoembolization into right internal thoracic artery, followed by radical radiotherapy The combination of these techniques allowed to reach a complete response to treatment and subsequently perform a radical mastectomy. Postoperative follow-up period is 85 months of remission without specific therapy.



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