Abstract Background: ongoing abdominal and pelvic bleeding is one of main causes of deaths among patients with penetrating and blunt trauma. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is a method for temporary patient's stabilization and reducing blood loss. Aim: was to present result of work of 1st-level trauma-center: to describe experience of application of methodics of REBOA in center, to estimate its efficacy on the base of retrospective analysis of hospital charts of injured and heavy damaged patients. Materials and methods: during the period between April 2013 and November 2017, 14 REBOA procedures to patients with abdominal (thoracic aorta occlusion) and pelvic (occlusion of the aortic bifurcation) bleeding were performed at the War Surgery Department of the «KirovMilitaryMedicalAcademy». A decision to do REBOA was made upon admission according to significant hypotension (systolic blood pressure [sBP] less than 70 mm Hg.) or cardiac arrest, abdominal free fluid and/or mechanically unstable pelvic fractures. Results: mean time from admission to REBOA was 27,5 [10,0-52,5] minutes. The procedure took 10 [5-13] minutes. Average BP elevation after balloon inflation was 43±16 mm Hg. Survival in acute phase of trauma (first 12 hours) was 57.1%, while total survival rate was only 14.3% (2/14 patients). One REBOA-associated major complication was registered - development of irreversible ischemia due to long sheath dwell time in the femoral artery. Conclusion: REBOA is effective for temporary hemodynamic stabilization and internal hemorrhage control, it allows increasing early survival in severe trauma. Factors to improve short- and long-term outcome, total survival warrant to be additionally investigated, especially in terms of intensive care improvement. References 1. 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Abstract Aim: was to estimate condition of aorta branches in case of aortic dissection, using multislice computed tomography (MSCT): we estimated frequency and type of changes of main branches of the aorta involved in the dissection. Material and methods: a retrospective analysis of 104 patients with aortic dissection (AD) was performed. All patients were admitted to Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V Sklifosovsky All studies were carried out on a multispiral (80x0.5) tomograph in early stages of the disease. Results: MSCT method allowed to obtain data of the high frequency of transition of aortic dissection to main branches (63.5%), mainly to iliac arteries (81% and 77% of aortic dissection type A and B respectively), both in isolation and in combination with other branches. However, the frequency of occurrence of hemodynamically significant stenosis, both static and dynamic, was significantly higher in groups of visceral branches and brachiocephalic arteries (82% and 71%, respectively). Conclusion: the CT method allows to evaluate in detail the lumen of the aorta and branches of aorta, and to determine type and degree of stenosis of aortic branches involved in the dissection. Revealed patterns of combining of involvement in different groups of aortic branches in the pathological process, allow to procced more optimized diagnostic search for complications of dissection, including MSCT. References 1. Hirst Ae Jr, Johns Vj Jr, Kime Sw Jr. Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta: A Review of 505 cases. Medicine (Baltimore). 1958;37(3):217-279. PMID: 13577293 195809000-00003 2. Litmanovich D, Bankier AA, Cantin L, Raptopoulos V. Boiselle PM. CT and MRI in Diseases of the Aorta. Am J Roentgenol. 2009;193(4):928-940. PMID:19770313 3. 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Abstract Aim: was to define possibilities of multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) in assessment of condition of aorta and it's branches, during preparation for reconstructive surgery in patients with horseshoe kidney. Material and methods: for the period 2015-2018, 415 patients were examined during preparation for aortic reconstructive surgery. Patient underwent target ultrasonic diagnostics, followed by computed tomography made on 256-slice Philips iCT, before and after injection of contrast agent. We used a special program for comparing various phases of the study ("Fusion") for better visualization of arterial vessels of kidney, aorta and renal excretory system. In 5 cases, a combination of aortic pathology with abnormal horseshoe kidney was revealed. Results: in all cases we revealed branched type of blood supply of abnormal kidney A total of 5 patients had 25 renal arteries. In 4 cases we revealed branched type of renal veins, its total ammount was 20. Duplication of upper urinary tract was found in 1 case. From the surveyed group, 3 patients out of 5 were operated. Intraoperatively all data detected by CT scan regarding the condition of the aorta, the position of the kidney, the number of renal vessels were confirmed. Conclusion: MSCT allows detailly assessment of anatomical features of abnormal horseshoe kidney and facilitates subsequent surgical intervention in patients with a rare combination of aortic pathology and a horseshoe kidney. References 1. Kirkpatrick J.J., Leslie S.W. Horseshoe Kidney. In: StatPearls [Internet], 2018. 2. Gianfagna F., Veronesi G., Bertu L, et al. Prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms and its relation with cardiovascular risk stratification: protocol of the Risk of Cardiovascular diseases and abdominal aortic Aneurysm in Varese (RoCAV) population based study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2016;16(1):243. Published 2016 Nov 29. doi:10.1186/s12872-016-0420-2. 3. Joanna Mikolajczyk-Stecyna, Aleksandra Korcz, Marcin Gabriel et al. Risk factors in abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortoiliac occlusive disease and differences between them in the Polish population. Scientific Reports (2013) volume3: 3528. 4. Davidovic L Markovic M, Ilic N et al. Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in the presence of the horseshoe kidney. IntAngiol. 2011 Dec;30(6):534-40. 5. Kumar Y, Hooda K, L.i S., Goyal P, et al. Abdominal aortic aneurysm: pictorial review of common appearances and complications. Ann TranslMed. 2017;5(12):256. 6. Stephen P Reis, Bill S. Majdalany, Ali F. AbuRahma et al., ACR Appropriateness Criteria Pulsatile Abdominal Mass Suspected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. J Am Coll Radiol 2017;14:S258-S265 7. CHekhoeva O.A., Buryakina S.A., Alimurzaeva M.Z., Gontarenko V.N. Aneurysm of the infrarenal aorta in combination with a horseshoe-shaped kidney: case report. Medicinskaya vizualizaciya №3 2016. C.: 63-70. [In Russ.] 8. B.V. Fadin, A.B. Mal'gin, S.V. Berdnikov i dr. Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta in combination with a horseshoe-shaped kidney. ZHurnal angiologiya i sosudistaya hirurgiya . 2002 TOM 8 №3 Str. 113-119. [In Russ.] 9. Ignat'ev I.M., Volodyuhin M.YU., Zanochkin A.V. Endoprosthetics of the abdominal aortic aneurysm in a patient with a horseshoe-shaped kidney. Arhitektura zdorov'ya. [Internet souce] tekushchee-izdanie/zdorove-i-meditsina/klinicheskie- issledovaniya/11-endoprotezirovanie-anevrizmy-bryush- noj-aorty-u-patsienta-s-podkovoobraznoj-pochkoj 10. Troickij V.I., Habazov R.I., Lysenko E.R. i dr. Surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm in a patient with a horseshoe-shaped kidney. Angiologiya i sosudistaya hirurgiya. 2003; 9 (2): 122-125. [In Russ.]
Abstract: Background: article presents a case of 11-month-old baby weighing 6,590, with phenomena of circulatory decompensation, and non-standard hybrid intervention using retroperitoneal open access to the infrarenal aorta - stent implantation with the potential for increasing its diameter as the child grows Materials and methods: the patient underwent examination - echocardiography (Echo-CG), multispiral computed tomography (MSCT), angiography Indication for the operation was the restenosis of the distal aortic anastomosis after the stage-by-stage surgical correction of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Norwood procedure). This tactic was chosen taking into account the extremely high risk of re-surgery, as well as the impossibility of stent implantation with the potential for increasing the diameter through access to the femoral artery (body weight of the child is Results: good early postoperative period, against the background of disaggregant therapy (aspirin 5 mg/kg per day) and antibiotic therapy In control echocardiography (Echo-CG), the systolic pressure gradient in the stent implantation zone is Conclusion: stenting of restenosis in distal aortic anastomosis using retroperitoneal access can be considered as a surgery of choice in specialized centers. References 1. Sakurai T., 2. Pavlichev G.V., Podoksenov A.YU., Krivoshchekov E.V. Obstruction of the aortic artery after 3. Bartram U., Granenfelder J., Van Praagh R. Causes of death after the modified 4. Vitanova K., Cleuziou J., Pabst von Ohain J. et. al. Recoarctation After 5. Thomas P, Doyle M.D., William E. et al.Aortic obstructions in infants and children. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 1994; 3(1): 37-44. 6. Rothman A., Galindo A., Evans W.N. et. al. Effectiveness and safety of balloon dilation of native aortic coarctation in premature neonates weighing <or = 7. Atalay A., Pac A., Avci al. Histopathological evaluation of aortic coarctation after conventional balloon angioplasty in neonates. Cardiol. Young. 2018; 18:1-5. 8. Dijkema E.J., Sieswerda G.T., Takken al. Longterm results of balloon angioplasty for native coarctation of the aorta in childhood in comparison with surgery. Eur. Cardiothorac. Surg. 2018 1; 53(1): 262-268. 9. Fiore A.C., Ficher L.K., Schwartz T. et. al. Comparison of angioplasty and Surgery for Neonatal Aortic Coarctation. The society of the thoracic surgeons. 2005; 80:1659-65. 10. Shaddy R., Boucek M., Sturtevant J., Comparison of angioplasty and surgery for unoperated coarctation of the aorta. Circulation.1993; 87:793-9. 11. Attia I.M., Lababidi Z.A. Transumbilicalballon coarctation angioplasty. Am. Heart. 1988; 166:1623-4. 12. Redington A.N., Booth P, Shore D.F., Rigby M.L., Primary ballon dilatation of coarctation of aorta. A multi-institutional study. Thor. Cardiovasc. Surg. 1994;108:841-51. 13. Richard E.R., Gauvreau K., Moses H., Coarctation of the Aorta Stent Trial (COAST): Study design and rationale. Am. Heart. 2012; 164 (1): 7-13. 14. Coulson J.D.,Vricella L.A., Alekyan B.G. Аlternative arterial and venous access for catheterization in children and infants. Endovaskulyarnaya hirurgiya. 2016;4: 24-39 [In Russ]. 15. Pursanov M.G., Svobodov A.A., Levchenko E.G. et. al. New Approach for Hybrid Stenting of the Aortic Arch in Low Weight Children. Structural Heart Disease. 2017;(3)5:147-151. 16. Dorfer C., Standhardt H., Gruber A., et. al. Direct Percutaneous Puncture Approach versus Surgical Cutdiwon Technique for Intracranial Neuroendovascular Procedures: Technical Aspects. World Neurosur. 2012; 77(1): 192-200. 17. Chakrabati S., Kenny D., Morgan G. et. al. Balloon expandable stent implantation for native and recurrent coarctation of the aorta - prospective computed tomography assessment of stent integrity, aneurysm formation and stenosis relief. Heart. 2010; 96 (15): 1212-6. 18. 19. Sivanandam, S., Mackey-Bojack S.M., Moller J.H. Pathology of the aortic arch in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: surgical implications. PediatrCardiol. 2011; 32: 189-192. 20. Hammel J.M., Duncan K.F., Danford D.A. Two- stage biventricular rehabilitation for critical aortic stenosis with severe left ventricular dysfunction. Eur. Cardiothorac. Surg. 2012; 1-6. 21. Alekyan B.G. X-ray endovascular surgery. National Guidelines. M: Litterra. 2017; 1: 247-262 [In Russ]. 22. Feltes T.F., Bacha E., Beekman R.H. et al. Indications for cardiac catheterization and intervention in pediatric cardiac disease. А scientific statement from the Am. Heart Association. Circulation. 2011: 7;123(22): 2607-52.
Abstract: At 246 patients with coarctation of the aorta the ultrasonic semiotics of disease has been investigated. Are systematized echocardiographycal attributes of defect: are determined direct and indirect (displays directly reflecting morphology), the estimation of their sensitivity and specificity is lead. The certain combination of the specified attributes has allowed to allocate three variants of a ultrasonic picture coarctation of the Aorta, reflecting various anatomic forms of defect. The semiotics and diagnostic attributes of each ultrasonic variant of defect is described by echocardiography. Reference 1. Шиллер Н., Осипов М. А. Клиническая эхокардиография. М. 1993. 2. Митьков В. В., Сандриков В. А. Клиническое руководство по ультразвуковой диагностике в 5 т. М.: Видар. 1998; 5: 96-297. 3. Бураковский В. И., Бокерия Л. А. Сердечно-сосудистая хирургия (руководство). М.: Медицина.1989; 298-310. 4. Kaine S. E, Smith E. О., Mott A. R. et al. Quantitative echocardiographic analysis of the aortic arch predicts outcome of balloon angioplasty of native coarctation of the aorta. Circulation. 1996; 94 (5): 1056-1062. 5. Фейгенбаум X. Ультразвуковая диагностика. М.: Медицина. 1999; 1123-1145.
Abstract: We had analyzed percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of non-standard complications - coronary artery dissection with extension on the eft main coronary artery (LMCA) and aorta. There was the coronary dissection of LMCA and aorta after left internal thoracic arteries and left anterior descending anastomosis (LIMA-LAD) balloon predilatation. Satisfactory angiographic result was achieved with blood flow TIMI III after stent implantation. In connection with the stable condition of the patient there was no endovascular or surgical treatment. The patient had stable hemodynamics in hospital period. The angiografic control was performed after 8 days. There was no coronary and aorta dissection and stent-thrombosis. In conclusion in can be said that conservative tactics may be useful in a case of retrograde coronary and aorta dissection after LIMA-LAD stent mplantation. References 1. Geraci A.R. Krishnaswami V., Selman M.W. Aorto-coronary dissection complicating coronary arteriography. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. 2 Surg. 1973; 65: 695-698. 2. Alfonso F. et al. Aortic dissection occurring during coronary angioplasty. Angiographic and transesophageal echocardiographic findings. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1997; 42: 412-415. 3. Roberts W.C. Aortic dissection. Anatomy, consequences and causes. Am. Heart. J. 1981;101: 195-214. 4. Erbel R. et al. Task Force on aortic dissection. European society of cardiology. Diagnosis and management of aortic dissection. Europ. Heart. J. 2001; 22: 1642-1681. 5. Cigarroa J.E. et al. Diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of suspected aortic dissection. Old standards and new directions. N. Engl. J. Med. 1993; 328: 35-43. 6. Kwan T. et al. Combined dissection of right coronary artery and right coronary cusp during coronary angioplasty. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1995; 35: 328-330. 7. Perez-Castellano N. et al. Dissection of the aortic sinus of Valsalva complicating coronary catheterization. Cause, mechanism, evolution, and management. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1998; 43: 273-279. 8. Varma V. et al. Transesophageal echocardiographic demonstration of proximal right coronary artery dissection extending into the aortic root. Am. J. Cardiol. 1992; 123: 1055-1057. 9. Hearne S.E. et al. Internal mammary artery graft angioplasty. Acute and long-term outcome. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1998; 44: 153-156. 10. Wei-Chin Hung et al. LIMA graft interventions. Chang. Gung. Med. J.2007; 30 (3): 235-241 11. Moussa I. et al. Effectiveness of clopidogrel and aspirin versus ticlopidine and aspirin in preventing stent thrombosis after coronary stent implantation. Circulation. 1999; 99:
Abstract: Purpose. To assess early and late results of iliac arteries balloon angioplasty and stenting in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia. Material and methods. We analyzed the results of terminal aortic and iliac lesions endovascular treatment in 222 patients. All the patients presented symptoms of lower-limb chronic ischemia: 2nd «b» grade - 51,2%; 3rd grade - 27,1%; 4th grade - 21,7%. Two hundred and fifty eight procedure were performed, including 98 (38%) balloon angioplasty and 160 (62%) stenting. The lesions were Type A -26%, Type B - 45%, Type C - 23%, and Type D - 51% according to TASC II classification. Results. Immediate angiographic success rate was 99,4%, complication rate -1,3% (4 of 314). Cumulative primary patency after balloon angioplasty in terms of 1, 3 and 5 years were correspondingly 97,9%, 82,0% and 64,2%. After stenting it was as high as 98,1%, 85,2% and 71,8%. Secondary patency after balloon angioplasty in terms of 1, 3 and 5 years was correspondingly 99,0%, 89,4% и 75,6%. For stenting it was 99,4%, 93,0% and 85,6% (Kaplan - Meier). Long-term clinical success rates in 1 year, 3 and 5 years were correspondingly 97,9%, 98,7% and 88,8% for angioplasty and 92,6%, 63,7% and 72,6% for stenting. Five-year limb preservation rate was 92,4% for angioplasty and 98,6% for stenting. Conclusions. Endovascular interventions are proved to be safe and efficient for iliac arteries atherosclerotic lesions, and to have good long-term results. References 1. Кошкин В.М. Амбулаторное лечение атеросклеротических поражений сосудов нижних конечностей. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 1999; 1: 106 -113. 2. Покровский А.В. и др. Российский консенсус. Рекомендуемые стандарты для оценки результатов лечения пациентов с хронической ишемией нижних конечностей. М.2001; 16. 3. Kannel W. et аl. Intermittent Claudication:incidence in the Framingham-Study. Circulation. 1970; 41: 875-883. 4. Живарев Г.В., Коротков Н.И., Александров А.Л. и др. Исходы аортобедренного шунтирования при синдроме Лериша. III всероссийский съезд сердечно-сосудистых хирургов. М. 1996; 253. 5. Казанчян П.О., Попов В.А., Дебелый Ю.В. и др. Аорто-подвздошно-бедренные реконструкции методом эверсионной эндартерэктомии. Разумный возврат к прошлому. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 1999; 5: 71-80. 6. Гуч А.А., Верещагин С.В., Кондратюк В.А. Определение показаний к первичному рентгеноэндоваскулярному протезированию артерий подвздошно-бедренного сегмента. Эхография. 2000; 1 (2): 155-158. 7. Bosch J.L., Hunink M.G.M. Metaanalysis of the results of percutaneus transluminal angioplasty and stent placement for aortoiliac occlusive disease. Radiology. 1997; 204: 87-96. 8. TASC II. Transatlantic Intersociety Consensus (TASC) document on management of peripheral arterial disease. Eur. J. Vase. Endovasc. Surg. 2007; 1: 63-65. 9. Saket R.R. et аl. Novel intravascular ultrasound-guided method to create transintimal arterial communications: initial experience in peripheral occlusive disease and aortic dissection. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2004; 11 (3): 274-280. 10. Becker G.J. et аl. Noncoronary angioplasty. Radiology. 1989; 170 (3): 921-940. 11. Затевахин И.И., Дроздов С.А., Хабазов Р.И. Допплеросфигмоманометрия в диагностике поражений глубокой артерии бедра. Клиническая хирургия. 1985; 7: 24-2
Abstract: Background: balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta (CoA) in teenagers and adults is sometimes limited by significant residual pressure gradient (>20 mm Hg) in cause of vesse «elastic recoil». To avoid this complication intervention cardiologists use self- and balloon-expandable endovascular stents. In this report we demonstrate our experience in such method of aortic coarctation repair. Materials and methods: in our instituton since December 2008 to Desember 2013 85 teenagers and adult patients were treated by endovascular stent placement to coarctatec aortic segment. The age of patients was 10 to 60 years (mean 20,3+7,4), weight 20 to 90 kgs (mean 53,2+14,6). Mean systolic arterial pressure was 166+7mm Hg. (range 140 to 200), mean systolic pressure gradient (SPG) was 60,6+9,0 mm Hg (range 25 to 85). The mean cross section at baseline of coarctation was 19,6±6,1 mm2 (range 1 to 95). 61 patients had native coarctation and 3 recoarctation after previous surgical repair. In 21 cases coartation was in combination with other cardiac pathology - patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), restrictive VSD, aortric and mitral valve lesions, and coronary vessel pathology Seven patients had hemodynamically significant aortic atresia. We used 20 Palmaz P-4014, 18 Genesis XD PG-2910 (Cordis Jonson & Jonson) and 45 - CP, CP covered stents, one - Intratherapeutic Doublestrut (EV3), and one Advanta V12 (Atrium) covered stent. Results: 90 stents were implanted in 85 patients. Procedure was successful in all but one cases, one patient with postsurgical recoarctation had residual systolic pressure gradient > 25 mm Hg after stent placement. The peak systolic gradient decreased from a mean value of 60 mm Hg.(range 25 to 85) to a mean 7 mm Hg (range 0 to 25). Systolic blood pressure normalized in 64 cases, twenty one patients require additional drug therapy Coarctation site cross section increased from a mean of 19,6 mm2 to 236,3 mm2. PDA was closed simultaneously with the stenting by coils, and for eleven patients with other cardiac malformations endovascular coarctation repair was as a first step in complex cardiac surgical treatment. In one case of 56 years old male we had acute aortic dissection which was stabilized without surgical intervention. Two patients with complete hemodynamically significant aortic atresia developed stent fracture, which was recognized on CT scan 6 months after procedure. In one case it was treated with covered stent placement. In another patient stent fragment was treated surgically We had three stent migration with their safe deployment in thoracic aorta and followed by successful repair of aortic narrowing with additional stent. Conclusion: stent implantation for aortic coarctation is safe and effective procedure. The early and intermediate term result are encouraging, with relatively low incidence of complication in teenagers and adult patients. References 1. Campbell М.: Natural history of coarctation of the aorta. Br. Heart .J. 1970; 32: 633. 2. Carr J. The Results of Catheter-Based Therapy Compared With Surgical Repair of Adult Aortic Coarctation. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2006, 47: 1101-1107. 3. Mullen M.S. Coarctation of the aorta in adults: do we need surgeons? Heart. 2003; 89: 3-5. 4. Forbes T.J. Procedural Results and Acute Complications in Stenting Native and Recurrent Coarctation of the Aorta in Patients Over 4 Years of Age A Multi-Institutional Study. Cath. and Cardiovascular. Interventions. 2007; 70: 276-285. 5. Golden А^. Coarctation of the Aorta: Stenting in Children and Adalts. Cath. and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2007; 69: 289-299. 6. Chessa M., Carrozza M., Butera G., Piazza L., Carminati M. Results and mid-long-term follow-up of stent implantation for native and recurrent coarctation of the aorta. European Heart Journal. 2005; 26: 2728-2732. 7. Rosenthal E. Stent implantation for aortic coarctation: the treatment of choice in adults? J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2001;38: 1524-1527. 8. Beaton A.Z. Relation of Coarctation of the Aorta to the Occurrens of Ascending Aortic Dilation in Children and Young Adults With Bicuspid Aortic Valves. Am. J. Cardiol. 2009; 103: 266-270. 9. Qureshi S.A. Stenting in aortic coarctation and transverse arch/isthmus hypoplasia; Percutaneous Interventions for Congenital Heart Disease, 2007: 475-489. 10. Duke C., Rosenthal E. and Qureshi S.A. The efficacy and safety of stent redilatation in congenital heart disease. Heart. 2003;89: 905-912. 11. Basil Vasilios Thanopoulos, Nicholaos Eleftherakis, Konstadinos Tzanos, Stent Implantation for Adult Aortic Coarctation. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008; 52: 1815-1816.
Abstract: Article describes experience of Novosibirsk scientific-research institute of blood circulation pathology named after E.N.Meshalkin in hybrid interventions in aortic dissection. Aim: was to estimate efficacy of hybrid methods in surgical treatment of aortic dissection . Materials and methods: since 2011 - 17 operations on proximal aortic dissections and 8 operations on distal aortic dissection with use of hybrid methodics were made. Results: mortality in early post-operative period - 2 patients and was determined by progression of heart insufficiency In late post-operative period, basing on MSCT data, thrombosis of false lumen of aortic dissection on the mark of stent-graft or bare-metal stent (descending thoracic aorta) was revealec in 7 of 10 patients (70%) and in all patients with hybrid endoprothesis. During observation in post-operative period, none of patients were marked as needed of operation on thoracic-abdominal aorta. Conclusion: used techniques allow to gain number of advantages in this severe group of patients as n early post-operative period, and also in late post-operative period. Endovascular treatment, performing simultaneously with open surgical interventions - are safe for patient and easy for surgeon. More extended reconstruction of aorta in single-stage operation can exclude aneurysmatic degeneration and prevent operations on distal aorta. References 1. Anagnostopoulos C., Prabhakar M., Kittle C. Aortic dissections and dissecting aneurysm. Am. J. Cardiol., 1972; 30:263-273. 2. Borst H.G., Heinemann M.K., Stone C.D. Surgical treatment of aortic dissection. New York: Churchill Living- stone;1996. p.357. 3. Tan M.E., Morshuis W.J., Dossche al., Longterm results after 27 years of surgical treatment of acute type aortic dissection. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 2005; 80: 523-529. 4. Driever R., Botsios S., Schmitz E., et al. 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Abstract: The article presents the experience of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic atherosclerotic lesions using different types of stents, performed in the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A.Vishnevskogo. Materials and methods: nine patients underwent 11 operations - stenting of aorta. Direct stenting of terminal aorta was performed in 5 patients, 4 - bifurcation stenting of aorta and both iliac arteries. Endovascular surgery combined with the "open" reconstruction of arteries below the inguinal ligament (hybrid operation) were performed in 2 cases. Results: technical perioperative success of interventions with the restoration of the aortic lumen was achieved in all cases. Our experience in endovascular treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of the abdominal aorta, allows to characterize this surgical intervention as a highly effective and low-impact. References 1. Grollman J.H., Del Vicario M., Mittal A.K. Percutaneous transluminal abdominal aortic angioplasty. Am.J.Roentgenol. 1980; 134(5):1053-1054. 2. Velasquez G., Castaneda-Zuniga W., Formanek A., Zollikofer C., Barreto A., Nicoloff D., Amplatz K., Sullivan A. Nonsurgical aortoplasty in Leriche syndrome. Radiology. 1980;134(2) 359-360. 3. Onder H., Oguzkurt L., Gur S., Tekba$ G., Gurel K., Co kun I., Ozkan U. Endovascular treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic lesions with or without common iliac artery involvement. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2013; 36(1):56-61. 4. Ritter J.C., Ghosh J., Butterfield J.S., McCollum C. N., Ashleigh R. Chimney stent technique for treatment of severe abdominal aortic atherosclerotic stenosis. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 2011; 22(3): 391-394. 5. Sabri S.S., Choudhri A., Orgera G., Arslan B., Turba U.C., Harthun N.L., Hagspiel K.D., Matsumoto A.H., Angle J.F. Outcomes of covered kissing stent placement compared with bare metal stent placement in the treatment of atherosclerotic occlusive disease at the aortic bifurcation. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 2010; 21(7): 995-1003. 6. Bruijnen R.C., Grimme F.A., Horsch A.D., Van Oostayen J.A., Zeebregts C.J., Reijnen M.M. Primary balloon expandable polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stenting of focal infrarenal aortic occlusive disease. J. Vasc. Surg. 2012; 55(3): 674-678. 7. Donas K.P, Schonefeld T., Schwindt A., Troisi N., Torsello G. Successful percutaneous endovascular treatment of symptomatic infrarenal aortic stenosis caused by soft-plaque with the Endurant stent-graft. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. (Torino). 2011;52(1): 89-92. 8. Gavrilenko A.V., Egorov A.A. Tradicionnaja hirurgija sosudov i rentgenjendovaskuljarnye vmeshatel'stva - konkurencija ili vzaimodejstvie, vedushhee k gibridnym operacijam? [Traditional angiosurgery and endovascular procedures - competition or cooperation] Angidogija i sosudistaja hirurgija. 2011; 17(4): 152-156 [In Russ]. 9. Masmoudi H., Mordant P, Francis F., Karsenti A., Paraskevas N., Cerceau P, Duprey A., Leseche G., Castier Y Focal atherosclerotic abdominal aortic stenosis. J. Mal. Vasc. 2011; 36(3):196-199. 10. Schwindt A.G., Panuccio G., Donas K.P, Ferretto L., Austermann M., Torsello G. Endovascular treatment as first line approach for infrarenal aortic occlusive disease. J. Vasc. Surg. 2011; 53(6):1550-1556.
Abstract: Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic dissection type B is the method of choice in complicated cases. These interventions are obviously less traumatic, accompanied by less blood loss, shorten the length of stay in the intensive care unit, and there is a smaller number of complications. Successful treatment requires careful planning and determination of the existence of conditions for the implantation of endovascular prostheses. It is important to analyze the question of vascular approach, the availability of landing zone, the feasibility of switching aorta branches before implantation etc. However, you can have experience of not predicted of intraoperative complications. Article presents two clinical cases of implantation of stent-grafts in patients with challenging anatomy of the defeat of the thoracic aorta. In both cases, we used hybrid approach. In each case we used carotid-subclavian shunting before implantation of the stent-graft and in one case we usee «chimney» technique. Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair in these patients was accompanied by certain difficulties. Anatomical difficulties were overcome by using of not standart technique during operation. References 1. Rukovodstvo po kardiologii [Cardiology: guide-book]. V 4-h tomah. (Pod red. E.I. Chazova). M.: Praktika, 2014; 545-555 [ In Russ]. 2. Howard D.P, Banerjee A., Fairhead J.F. et al. Population-Based study of incidence and outcome of acute aortic dissection and premorbid risk factor control: 10-year results from the Oxford Vascular Study. Circulation 2013; 127:2031-2037. 3. Hramcov, A.I., Hramcova G.F. Kliniko-morfologicheskoj harakteristike rasslaivajushhih anevrizm aorty. Mediko-social'nye problemy profilaktiki, diagnostiki i lechenija zabolevanij [Clinical and morphological charateristics of ruptured aortic aneurysms. Medical-social problems of prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of this disease]: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. SPb., SPbGMA, 2000; 256 [In Russ]. 4. Borst H.G., Heinemann M.K., Stone C.D. Surgical treatment of aortic dissection. New York : Churchill Livingstone, 1996. 5. Crawford M.H. Cardiology Clinics. - 1999;17(4): 609-854. 6. Januzzi J.L., Eagle K.A., Cooper J.V. et al. Acute aortic dissection presenting with congestive heart failure: results from the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2005; 46:733-735. 7. Burakovskij V.A., Bokerija L.A. Serdechno-sosudistaja hirurgija[Cardiovascular surgery] M. : Medicina; 1989 [In Russ]. 8. Moro H., Hayashi J., Sogawa M. Surgical management of the ruptured aortic arch. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 1999; 67: 593-594. 9. Chiappini B., Schepens M., Tan E. et al. Early and late outcomes of acute type A aortic dissection: analysis of risk factors in 487 consecutive patients. Eur. Heart J. 2005; 26:180-186. 10. Trimarchi S., Nienaber C.A., Rampoldi V. et al. Contemporary results of surgery in acute type A aortic dissection: The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection experience. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2005; 129: 112-122. 11. Perko M.J., Norgaard M., Herzog T. M. Et al. Unoperated aortic aneurysm: a survey of 170 patients. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 1995; 59:1204-1209. 12. Grabenwoger M., Alfonso F., Bachet J. et al. Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) for the treatment of aortic diseases: apposition statement from the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in collaboration with the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). Eur. Heart J. 2012; 33: 1558-1563. 13. Akchurin R.S., Imaev TJe., Komlev A.E. i dr. Varianty debranshinga dugi aorty pri gibridnyh hirurgicheskih vmeshatel'stvah [Debranching of aortic arch in hybrid surgical interventions]. Klinicheskaja fiziologija krovoobrashhenija. 2016; 13(2): 102-107 [In Russ]. 14. Bokerija L.A., Alekjan B.G. Rukovodstvo po rentgenjendovaskuljarnoj hirurgii serdca i sosudov [Guide-book on endovascular surgery of heart and vessels]. Tom 1 М: NCSSH im A.N.Bakuleva RAMN, 2008 [in Russ]. 15. Akchurin R.S., Imaev TJe., Kolegaev A.S. i dr. Jendovaskuljarnoe lechenii spontannogo razryva aorty [Endovascular treatment of spontaneous aortic rupture]. Angiologija i sosudistaja hirurgija. 2015; 21(3): 168-172 [In Russ]. 16. Ishida M., Kato N., Hirano T. et al. Endovascular stent-graft treatment for thoracic aortic aneurysms: short-to-midterm results. J.Vasc.Interv.Radiol. 2004; 361-367.